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What does it mean to download a film? Filmmaking has had a complex history, but today it is a relatively simple affair. The first step for a filmmaker would be to create a storyboard of what the film will look like and how they want the different scenes played out. They have to decide what type of project they are working on, whether it's an animation, documentary, or feature length drama. In order for their idea of their film to materialize on screen however they have to find actors that suit the characters' roles and then tell them about being involved in the project before anyone else knows about what is going on. Only then can filming begin. This includes setting up the locations for the scenes, costumes, props and the like. Filmmaking is expensive and requires a lot of people to work together in order to be successful; this is true for all types of film. The money needed to make a movie comes from different sources depending on what type of film it is. For example, if it's an independent horror film the money will come from the producer (who has invested their own funds) or from potential investors (who are trying to find a new venture), whereas with a Hollywood blockbuster it's most likely that funding comes from studios who want to see a guaranteed return on their investment – they outsource production and hire professionals that they trust. After the film has been shot, the next step is post-production. Once this is over, there's a test screening—where potential audiences get to see it and tell the filmmakers what they liked and didn't like about the film. After that it goes into distribution, which can take an hour, a day or even a week depending on who you are using to distribute it in a country or around the world. One of these companies might be Netflix is a website that offers thousands of movies and television shows online for streaming (which means users can watch them instantly). Netflix has a contract with a major studio or production company, which allows Netflix to rent or sell the film from the other company. This type of deal differs from Pay-Per-View, which is when a user goes to a website and pays for the movie that they want to see. In this type of business agreement there is no ownership involved. Netflix also finances films that they believe will be successful and then distribute them themselves. The modern era of filmmaking can be considered to have begun in March 1895 when Étienne-Jules Marey's "Sallie Gardner at a Gallop" was first projected at Eden Musée in Paris 1 . While there are many who can trace the beginning of cinema, some claim that film began in 1896, when Louis Lumière produced the first motion picture. There are three parts to filmmaking: pre-production, production and post-production. Pre-Production is the step before filming begins. At this stage all roles are assigned and materials are bought, but not necessarily on budget. Production is an ongoing process where filming takes place on set for all the shots in a film. Post-Production is any work on a film after shooting has finished until it is shipped off for release or put on DVD or VHS/DVD/Blu-ray format for viewing by the public (for example, editing, sound mixing and color grading). 8eeb4e9f32 16

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